"Did you seem them? You'd think she'd feel at least a little embarrassed."
"He looks a bit younger but why should that bother you?"
"It doesn't. I just think there must be something wrong with him."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well, if there wasn't, you'd think he'd rather be with someone a lot younger?"
"Maybe she's young at heart and she gives him something he doesn't get when he's with a younger woman."
"What could she possibly give him that younger women can't?"
"Maybe she builds up his confidence. There's some of us that can be real ball crunchers - bitches."
Ellen had heard many similar whisperings and was only embarrassed for the pettiness and narrow mindedness. She felt quite comfortable in her relationship with Scott and after all, fifteen years wasn't that much of an age difference; men did it all the time. She was sick of this double standard. As far as she was concerned, what was okay for the male of the species was okay for the female too.
She knew Scott wasn't after her money because she didn't have any. And she knew he enjoyed her company because he spent all his free time with her. And the sex, well that was better than any she'd had for many years. Sex with her 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am-roll-over-and-go-to-sleep' husband had been dismal, at best. It had been almost enough to put a woman off men for life; better to live a life of celibacy, she'd often thought.
And she would have if Scott hadn't happened along; a freak meeting at the in-and-out doors at the supermarket store and one she'd initially been convinced would lead nowhere. She'd almost hoped it wouldn't because she didn't need a man in her life, especially one with the complications a younger man might present. Five years younger would've been respectable enough, even ten years might not have been too bad but fifteen years! Even she'd had to think a few times about it.
When she had voiced her apprehensions to Scott, he had pointed out to her that as far as he knew, they were both consenting adults so the difference in their ages should only concern them. And if it didn't bother him, which it didn't, then she shouldn't let it bother her because age was, after all, only a number. And as far as he was concerned, it wasn't anyone's business but theirs.
He had made it sound so reasonable and logical that she had quickly succumbed to his very obvious attractions. His eyes were bluer than any she had ever seen before, with a twinkle in them that made her want to smile just to look at him, and with fine laugh lines surrounding them. She loved his laugh lines. She didn't want to be the only one with lines, she'd thought with a half-hearted chuckle. But it was his smile that could turn more hardened women that she'd ever be into blobs of melting butter and she was certainly no exception.
She'd often thought in the year they had been seeing each other that it might have been different if she'd had children. More problems definitely would've presented themselves but as it was, what they did only concerned themselves. So if everything happens for a reason, maybe the fact she had not been blessed with children was because fate knew that Scott was going to later enter her life. That is, if one believed in that sort of thing, she thought. Ellen wasn't sure whether or not she did.
Like most new relationships, she never worried about whether Scott was going to call, would she see him later or was he busy checking out someone else. She'd felt very confident about what his feelings for her were, right from the beginning. And although she felt the tingling and heart pounding sensations and feelings of a new love, she also felt the security and confidence of a long-time relationship. She was happy, far happier than she'd been for many years.
After the years with her husband, stagnant, smothering and anger producing at their best, and heart-stopping fearful at their worst, she had decided that celibacy and the single life was definitely the better option. And then Scott had arrived on the scene, easy-going, articulate and full of interests. Ellen's whole body had hummed with the feeling of spring in her blood and the spirit of renewal in her soul. To be continued...